Universe Today Podcast

Your Ultimate Guide to All Things Space


  • 00:00:00
    May 6th, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I explain whether or not gravity is infinite, will we need to cure cancer to go to space? Will SpaceX help Artemis' chances for landing humans on Mars in 2024, and more...

  • 00:00:00
    April 26th, 2021

    In this week's questions show I explain why we could be first in the Universe, do galaxies flip or spin, did I pick a good career? And more.

  • 00:00:00
    April 26th, 2021

    My guest is Mick West, a game developer and writer. Mick has been studying UFO claims and contrail conspiracy theories for many years and has a useful toolkit to help identify unidentified objects in the sky.

  • 00:00:00
    April 26th, 2021

    My guest is Dr. Klaus Pontoppidan, an astronomer and project scientist working with the James Webb Space Telescope. Klaus is on the committee that helped choose targets that the telescope will be studying once it flys (and it will).

  • 00:00:00
    April 20th, 2021

    My guest is astronomer and science communicator Dr. Maggie Lieu. Lieu is a research fellow of machine learning and cosmology at the University of Nottingham and has been working on the upcoming Euclid space mission to help in the search for Dark Energy.

  • 00:00:00
    April 20th, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I explain why a heat-powered rover wouldn't work on Venus. I explain how spacecraft navigate, and wonder what James Webb's Deep Field survey will look like.

  • 00:00:00
    April 15th, 2021

    You might know Dr. Sutter as a science communicator, but his doctorate is actually in particle physics. Paul is going to join me to talk about the Muon g-2 experiment and what it means for the Standard Model of physics. We'll probably also talk about the end of the EmDrive and other topics in space and astronomy.

  • 00:00:00
    April 15th, 2021

    Professor Geraint Lewis is an astrophysicist focused on dark energy, gravitational lensing and galactic merger. He has recently published a paper that that investigates the nature of the anthropic principle, how the Universe needs observers.

  • 00:00:00
    April 15th, 2021

    Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and science communicator. His new book is called the God Equation, which traces the quest for a single theory of everything that will unite quantum mechanics and the theory of gravity.

  • 00:00:00
    April 12th, 2021

    This time I was interviewed on the Debrief Podcast. We spend an hour talking about humanity's future in space, the exploration of Mars, and more. Check out their website: https://thedebrief.org/

  • 00:00:00
    April 12th, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I look at the rotation rate of pulsars, why NASA is such a fan of the term in-situ and what our plans are for exploring the Universe.

  • 00:00:00
    April 9th, 2021

    Professor Avi Loeb is a theoretical physicist from Harvard who has worked on many advances in space and astrophysics. He helped predict exoplanet discoveries using microlensing, worked on the mathematics for the Event Horizon Telescope, and has many fascinating opinions about the search for extraterrestrials.

  • 00:00:00
    April 9th, 2021

    My guest is Dr. James Davenport, a research assistant professor at the University of Washington. In addition to his research into magnetically active stars, James focuses on large-scale, time-domain astronomy.

    He's also a prolific communicator here on YouTube, breaking down complicated scientific topics and documenting astronomy meetings for the general public.

  • 00:00:00
    April 5th, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I tackle some challenging questions, like the ethics of sending humans to Mars, and whether it's better to focus on our efforts on Earth or on space exploration. Should we welcome a Carrington Event? Are there any serious competitors to SpaceX in the market right now?

  • 00:00:00
    March 29th, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I talk about the stars we can see with our own eyes. Are they special? How long does it take solar flares to reach Earth? How will crimes on Mars be prosecuted?

  • 00:00:00
    March 22nd, 2021

    In this week's questions show, I answer questions about supernovae, how we could terraform the Moon, and why is Starlink so expensive?