Universe Today Podcast

Your Ultimate Guide to All Things Space


  • 00:00:00
    January 24th, 2024

    How can we possibly know how does the Milky Way look like? Is Marth worth further exploration after not finding any life there for years? How can we realistically settle on the Moon? All this and more in the week's Q&A show.

  • 00:00:00
    January 22nd, 2024

    When we'll be sending probes to other stars, getting there will be only one part of the challenge. How do we get the data back? So, NASA just funded a research that will be aiming to solve this problem through the NIAC program.

  • 00:00:00
    January 19th, 2024

    News about two lunar landers, Webb helps rule out one explanation for the Hubble Tension, NASA’s new quiet supersonic plane, and lots of exoplanet news.

  • 00:00:00
    January 16th, 2024

    Why it's easier for James Webb to observe TRAPPIST-1 than Alpha Centauri? Is a lunar space elevator possible at all? What would my ideal space mission look like? Can we build a telescope the size of a solar system? Answering all these questions and more in this week's Q&A show.

  • 00:00:00
    January 15th, 2024

    This is an episode I did with Brian Dunning, host of The Skeptoid podcast and Richard Saunders, host of The Skeptic Zone podcast. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
    January 14th, 2024

    This is an episode I did with Brian Dunning, host of Skeptoid and producer and director of THE UFO MOVIE THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE and Richard Saunders, host of The Skeptic Zone. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
    January 12th, 2024

    We finally learn the true color of Neptune. Vulcan succeeds while Peregrine fails. Delays for Artemis missions. A rocket that eats itself for more thrust.

  • 00:00:00
    January 6th, 2024

    This is a bonus episode from John Michael Godier's Event Horizon podcast. We discussed JWST, Artmeis, Parker Solar Probe and many other things to be excited about in 2024.

  • 00:00:00
    January 5th, 2024

    Juno’s closest flyby of Io, Hubble studies an exoplanet atmosphere for 3 years, astronauts test out Starship’s elevator, and more evidence for quark stars.

  • 00:00:00
    January 1st, 2024

    Where are the limits of James Webb's capabilities? What can we expect from it in terms of exoplanet research and how can we get there? Finding out with Dr Luis Welbanks.

  • 00:00:00
    December 22nd, 2023

    There’s toxic gas flowing out of Enceladus that could be the key to life. Could there be black holes inside stars? NASA tight beams a cat video from space.

  • 00:00:00
    December 19th, 2023

    Io is the by far the most volcanically active place in our Solar System. However, there were not too many missions studying it. What could we learn about Io if we did launch a mission to it? Finding out the answers with Dr Ashley Davies from NASA JPL.

  • 00:00:00
    December 18th, 2023

    One of the discoveries done by James Webb was the presence of methane in the atmosphere of an exoplanet WASP-80b. How exactly did they do it and what will JWST be able to do with similar cases in the future? Looking for answers with Dr Taylor J. Bell from NASA Ames Research Center.

  • 00:00:00
    December 15th, 2023

    Hubble’s Back, but Voyager 1 is Down. An absolutely stunning supernova picture from Webb. How talking whales will teach us to talk to aliens.

  • 00:00:00
    December 14th, 2023

    What is a realistic scenario of finding life outside Earth? What steps to we need to take to get there and how can we prove it's there. Looking for answers with Dr Harrison Smith and Dr Cole Mathis.

  • 00:00:00
    December 12th, 2023

    Where do the galaxy bars come from and how do they stay stable? Will humanity ever become a Type-II civilization? When will we get more info about the TRAPPIST-1 system from JWST? Answering all these questions and more in this week's Q&A show.